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Boards Alive Podcast

Boards Alive is a podcast where we talk about tabletop games. Our goal is to show that tabletop gaming can be just as exciting and engaging as Hollywood movies or big budget video games. We try to highlight games that have a rich theme that connects with the mechanics of the game. We want to help people escape into tabletop games and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of gaming.

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Dec 5, 2021

In our one hundred and sixty-fifth episode, Aaron is joined by designer Juliana Moreno Patel of Wild Optimists. We talk about some games we’ve been playing, including 7 Wonders: Architects and Pandemic Legacy: Season 0. Then I interview Juliana about designing escape room and puzzle games and their Crimes & Capers series of games.

This episode is sponsored by MANSCAPEDBoard Game Bliss and listeners like you on our Patreon