Jan 31, 2016
In the fourth episode of this board game variety show, we give you zero New Year's Resolutions, Nick Mariner talks about a life goal he set for himself 20 years ago, the Brawling Brothers Board Gaming Podcast declare which games they would preserve for a new society, the Dukes of Dice pitch us their spoiler free...
Jan 25, 2016
In our forty-third episode, we want you to vote on what name we should give our zombie mascot and we talk about the games we have been playing lately. We also review the alternate history World War Two Cthulu themed war game Shadows Over Normandie, and we discuss How We Have Evolved as Gamers and How Our Tastes Have...
Jan 10, 2016
In our forty-second episode, Linsae joins us and we talk about leaving the Cardboard Studios and we discuss the games we have been playing, including a murder mystery night Quinten led. We have another Dawn of the FunDead review of Tiny Epic Western. We announce our January contest. We also review the simultaneous...