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Boards Alive Podcast

Boards Alive is a podcast where we talk about tabletop games. Our goal is to show that tabletop gaming can be just as exciting and engaging as Hollywood movies or big budget video games. We try to highlight games that have a rich theme that connects with the mechanics of the game. We want to help people escape into tabletop games and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of gaming.

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May 7, 2017

In our seventy-fourth episode, we celebrate Quinten's birthday & International Tabletop Day, we give you another Survival Kit segment about Campaign Coins for upgrading your gaming, and we talk about what we’ve been playing recently. We provide a little Dawn of the FunDead segment about the upcoming Shut Up & Sit Down Convention, SHUX 2017, in Vancouver, BC on Oct. 7-9 and let you know that we'll be attending. We also review the competitive Sherlock Holmes themed deduction game Watson & Holmes. Then Quinten and Aaron form a new board game publishing company called CoolBoardGamesInc and use some listener suggestions to create amazing board games, including our first title Childpocalypse.

This episode is sponsored by Renegade Game StudiosBoard Game Bliss